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Cisco's CEO calls for increased broadband deployment

Along with many elected officials, America's CEOs are speaking out in favor of widespread broadband access, as the driving engine of the 21st Century economy.

In an op/ed in the San Jose Mercury News, Cisco Systems' CEO John T. Chambers writes: "It will create jobs in the growth sectors of our economy -- jobs that are driving the collaboration and interaction economy."

Broadband is not just one infrastructure project among many; it is the crucial infrastructure for the services and industries that will again make America a world economic leader. Some of today's most innovative services rely heavily on broadband: online doctor's consultations, online classrooms, and online access to state and local government programs are just a few examples.

The Obama Administration and many on Capitol Hill understand this and are working to provide $9 billion in funding for broadband projects targeted mostly toward rural and underserved areas. The initiative, called the Broadband Technologies Opportunity Program (BTOP), fulfills Speed Matters' Core Principles for a National High Speed Internet Policy.

It addresses our highest priorities: funding for rural broadband, funding for technology capacity at community computer centers to increase access for disadvantaged populations, crucial investment tax credits that will encourage broadband providers to lay lines in high-cost rural areas and low-income communities, and to upgrade their networks to deliver higher speeds, and Distance Learning and Telemedicine programs to bring teachers and students, and doctors and patients, together.

The broadband stimulus will create jobs now; for every $5,000,000 we spend on infrastructure we will create 97,000 jobs.

Chambers and other CEOs agree; that's why they and we encourage Congress to pass the broadband stimulus package and for government to offer leadership bringing America online in the new millennium.

Opinion: Chambers: It's time to broadband the economy (San Jose Mercury News)

The Agenda: Technology (

The Innovation Agenda (Speaker Pelosi)

Principles for a National High Speed Internet Policy (Speed Matters)